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On this page I will collect some of my extra contributions to design 1o1 .... not all ....


In the 3rd week, I posted some napkinflowers in the Facebook arena, and then people asked me for a tutorial. To my amazement I managed to make one within 5 minutes!!

Here are the WEIRD ANIMALS I made for the weird animal-challenge.

A bouquet of butterflies I made from beads and wire & a paperwork 'Nightflies' for the butterfly-challenge.

One of the challenges  - no: it was an OFFICIAL exercise from the trial period of this MOOC -  was making 3 drawings based on Alice in Wonderland from Lewis Carroll. I LOVED it!!

And I have tried my best to make my Alice look like the Alice Liddell the book was inspired on.

And this last quote is so hilariously funny. If your flowers don't talk to you, it's your own fault: you're not interesting enough to talk with or about :-) Hahahahahaha

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